Školení „Jak zadat web a spolupracovat s designéry“ s Jakubem Goldmannem a Martinem Koptou vám pomůže zlepšit zadávání tvorby webů, intranetů či mobilních aplikací.
Nejčastější chyby brzdí úspěšnou realizaci projektů, a jak zlepšit dosah vaší práce prostřednictvím digitálních kanálů. Tento kurz je postaven na praxi a knize "75 tipů, jak si říct o web", kterou napsali Jakub a Martin.
Kurz je ideální pro designery a výzkumníky, kteří chtějí zrychlit svůj designový proces a reagovat rychle na zpětnou vazbu klientů.
Chci školení!PM která je pověřená vést digitální projekt uvnitř korporátu.
Jsou limitováni jak finančními prostředky, tak odborností vést digitální projekty.
Reprezentuje všechny úředníky a pracovníky služeb veřejné správy.
The ŠG-1 team (read Švejda Goldmann are number one) is, has been and will be an integral part of design projects at ACTUM Digital. They helped us in situations where our internal team was not up to speed and we needed someone fast, efficient and reliable. I can definitely recommend the Stargate team of Jakub “O'Neill” Goldmann and David “Jackson” Švejda.
We have worked with the Švejda-Goldmann studio at Mutumut from the very beginning. They are digital artists who create super online customer journeys. Thanks to them, we even won the Webtop100 for Design of the Year 2021!
The cooperation with Švejda-Goldmann was a pleasant refresher for us in the world of often rigid supplier-customer relationships. Combining their professional experience with human friendliness brought us several months of very constructive and positive work, which resulted in two websites tn.cz and nova.cz.
Cooperation with Švejda Goldmann, s.r.o., has always been based on a very good mutual relationship and understanding. I admire the speed of understanding the new context, the creativity and adaptation of the studio. Highly recommend to cooperate!
We have been working with the Š&G studio since the foundation of Upvest in 2017, and during this collaboration we have repeatedly convinced ourselves that we have chosen the right choice. The level of process, communication and outputs on the part of the entire Š&G team is great, which is why we have always enjoyed cooperation. The feedback on our online investment platform that we have worked on together has always been very positive.
Š-G and I met for the first time over a giant project — website redesign Current. Thanks to their excellent work and approach, we achieved the desired result within the deadline and within the approved budget. They are professionals for me, they can think through projects, explain and design and draw everything correctly. They appreciate every single order and approach it very professionally. Therefore, I highly recommend working with them.
Designér a školitel. Přednáší na VŠE. Vede designérskou agenturu Švejda–Goldmann v Praze. Specializuje se na webdesign pro velké vydavatelské domy, fintech disruptivní startupy a mobilní aplikace.
Produktový manažer na digitálních platformách. Inicioval založení magisterské specializace na UX design na Fakultě informatiky a statistiky VŠE v Praze, kde také vyučuje.